Practice Like Pros turns south next month, joining forces with local legends in Mississippi and South Carolina.
Archie Manning, native of Drew, MS, Hall of Fame quarterback at Ole Miss and patriarch of the "First Family of Football," will present with PLP founder Terry O'Neil to the Mississippi Association of Coaches (MAC) Clinic Thursday, July 19, in Jackson, MS.
Sam Wyche, South Carolina native and resident, Furman University QB, Super Bowl Coach of the Cincinnati Bengals 1984-91, will join O'Neil for three appearances July 24-25 in Charleston, SC. On the 24th, they'll deliver PLP's message to the South Carolina Athletic Coaches Association (SCACA) Clinic. The next morning they'll appear before the Board of Directors of the South Carolina Football Coaches Association (SCFCA), and in the afternoon before the SCFCA's certification meeting for all coaches.
PLP Presents to CT Youth Coaches
Terry O'Neil presented Saturday, June 9, to youth coaches of the Fairfield County Football League (FCFL). The event was hosted at New Canaan (CT) High School by Lou Marinelli, the most successful coach in Connecticut history with 12 state championships and a career record of 340-103-7.
Marinelli, entering his 38th season at New Canaan, and Steve Filippone, former coach of Daniel Hand High School, Madison, CT, have collaborated recently with PLP to rally support for significant reduction in practice contact. PLP has made eight appearances in the state this year. Coach Filippone is presently leading the Connecticut High School Coaches' Association (CHSCA) in drafting a proposal for submission to the Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference (CIAC), state governing body of high school athletics.
O'Neil spoke about the issue Tuesday, June 5, in a live interview with news anchor Kevin Nathanof WVIT-TV, Hartford. Click here to watch the interview.
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